What do you do with my data?

Per our privacy policy, we do not sell your name and contact information to unknown third parties.

We collect a limited amount of information from you to provide the service, including your name, email address, and some basic information about you to generate a personalized dietary analysis. We may contact you from time to time to deliver valuable education or provide customer service. You can always unsubscribe from the educational communication. 

Diet ID is available to you via an organization -- a healthcare provider, an employer, an insurance company, or a wellness company. You may also be participating in a research study where use of Diet ID is required. Based on your relationship with the sponsoring organization, we determine what information we are allowed to share back with the organization. 

  • For example, if the organization is a Covered Entity under HIPAA (e.g. your healthcare provider), we may share some or all of your Patient Health Information back with the organization. 
  • If the sponsoring organization is not acting as a Covered Entity or a research organization (e.g. if you are accessing Diet ID via your employer), we may not share Patient Health Information.  

You can always inactivate your account with Diet ID. If you would like us to delete all of your data, please email us at info@dietid.com.

For specific guidance on what data we collect and what we are allowed to share, please review our privacy policy or contact us at info@dietid.com. 

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