How will Healthy Eating Challenges make me healthier?

Despite the confusion you may experience when reading about the  many fad diets, healthy eating is quite simple and consistent. The experts all teach the same thing: Dr. Walter Willett of the Harvard School of Public Health breaks it down in this NY Times letter, Michael Pollan simplifies it with his Food Rules, Dr. Marion Nestle wrote a book about it, and Dr. David Katz wrote a comprehensive Q&A on the topic—just to name a few.

Our Challenges are based on these consistent guidelines from the leading experts: eat less processed food, eat more plants, eat fewer animal products, and eat more mindfully. By eating with these four principles in mind, you’ll likely reduce your risk for obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and a host of other diet-related diseases. You’ll also help make the planet healthier by eating a more sustainable diet. 

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